Before thy throne, O God we kneel - piano

Before thy throne, O God we kneel

Author: William Carpenter (1841-1918).

Before Thy throne, O God, we kneel;

Give us a conscience quick to feel,

A ready mind to understand

The meaning of Thy chastening hand;

Whate'er the pain and shame may be,

Bring us, O Father, nearer Thee.

Search out our hearts and make us true,

Wishful to give to all their due;

From love of pleasure, lust of gold,

From sins which make the heart grow cold,

Wean us and train us with Thy rod;

Teach us to know our faults, O God.

For sins of heedless word and deed,

For pride ambitious to succeed;

For crafty trade and subtle snare

To catch the simple unaware;

For lives bereft of purpose high,

Forgive, forgive, O Lord, we cry.

Let the fierce fires, which burn and try,

Our inmost spirits purify:

Consume the ill; purge out the shame;

O God! be with us in the flame;

A newborn people may we rise,

More pure, more true, more nobly wise.
